cheap omega constellation

Do its work, not a offside

"Not in its place, don't strive for the administration", we often say so, this also is the basic quality of life we work. A wise man should know what to do and what not to do. Every thing is the cause and effect there has to be a priorities to know what words, the said, what is the right thing to do, don't stretch hand the too long, lest your kindness be others misunderstanding.

In different situation, we have to recognize we's position you are in what position, what you should do say you should have said, don't say too much, do too much, lest the person think you want instead of ideas, want the leading role, JiuZhanQueChao mean, will you watch out, the time for this to you is not a good thing.

Sometimes you will feel that you boss than you and the decisions of the boss as you yourself do well, this time, if you good at to make the words you boss will feel you not put him in the eyes of your heart, and born to you tired of, be on the alert. But if you take good advice to the supervisor and euphemism for instructions, so your boss will find a face, also won't give you a hard time.

In life we are each leading role, deducing the best play his, but don't forget, we not only is leading role, we are also supporting role, and many times we are not leading role, but to do good, supporting, supporting know when to play, you definitely shouldn't in play not to play, it is the wise practice.

Every one of us in society are as a role in children is in front of you father, son, you are before the parents in front of his wife you is her husband, boss, you are before employees, in the subordinate front, you is the leading role, each has its own position, if you over the position, your life will be chaos. In a group, each man has his own position, we should be the body in its place, what you should do, do not have the overreaching behavior, this is the most taboo things in the workplace. Even if you are in the position of the proud, and don't form, the hard to avoid can get such colleagues from the boss. The pipe of the things that you can tube, shouldn't take care of things, or less of meddling in the good.

In the workplace, you must know what to do and what not to do, this also is a kind of intelligence, a kind of tolerance. In a group in, everyone has his own seat. We should according to the reality to find a position, both neither offside, also don't let others accounted for his own seat, such, can ensure that group members coordination between cooperation and promote common cause of forward development. If a team, striker ran to the guard position, center also ran to the striker's location, then this game will lose. Work is the same as everyone find forbids oneself, the location of the work, the group can't cooperation.

Par omegaconstellation le lundi 13 juin 2011


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