More and more feel time is too fast, vaguely or in casual regrets, the hourglass began to put time all the precipitation become memories yesterday. Quietly in the corner I arranged the messy feeling, all in the marks of growth in era gone with me together from the sad, I count heart can't escape from the past, have a taste alone with sentimental dream.
"Maybe I not have been a good boy." I once and again in my heart said to himself. May be some things really is doomed, I, is a doomed can't like other girls the same girl!!!! If not promote the rebellious may whole home to my bother for peace and most of, if not because of his indulgence, and perhaps result will easily excellent bottom go to, but too much is I have the ability to but haven't done, though now consciousness and understand here, but when looking back those who pass through the road, I found that many, has been not. I think some subtle feeling back, but only some comfort could trace.
If not for growth, and probably childish pamper, that is it with their own individual character weaving pamper layer of nets, cut open and relatives should have some feeling and love, if not for, and now it has a growing now these beautiful but to understand the grief? I think, to find those quiet many about his memory, that each one has in my heart came and went, and dream, whether the next tomorrow, will disappear and forget that. Don't want to go to traction and touches can't forget pain, because you know those with sad feelings have been in time in the impact of a pure innocence.
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