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Travelling is a taste of the

The wind of the rural is savory, spring is flowing when an warm breath of the person, the market is the romantic DaiDang rough blots out the arrogant. Summer is sending out the fragrant fragrance of drunk, is pomegranate flowers of the massive multifarious suddenly so far a long. When autumn spread the FengRen mature the faint scent, is JinZhan chrysanthemum of wei's cosmetics be aloof with far far days to autumn wind nearly. In winter the lonely and refreshing flying fang, the hong mei is cold in full bloom into skin fang soul deck frozen miles of the young earth. North luxuriant.

Travelling is a character, of the wind in the early spring of the short walk disease of disease vigor of the pace, just like in the countryside toddler taking children eagerly, somewhat, somewhat impulse. The summer tempest when the ups and downs of the USSR billmen gesture, as if the young men in the countryside of irritable masculine characteristics, in late autumn with the spin on the fields after harvest of straw leaves spots up wandering action the largest amount of autumn wind, really and the man bears a striking resemblance to mature broad-minded. Severe winter, as if the raging blow in the countryside north on the evening of JuJu hobbled alone in the lonely old man like snow in the reserved and open-minded.

The countryside is the wind of taste, never in anger, is it most elucidating texts his sad mood lift up the loess sediment lost the eyes of the people, always elegantly around the pond, the house from the rocky crags of frivolous things abandon a ruins and the fields. Not on it glad when a teaser, always friendly meeting and you like a gentleman is hand, left hand roses of the rich scent. Or simply to a trendy modern, in your cheeks intimacy, the taste of a put chewing gum stay in your face. The more won't be in of calm days, just forget it's responsibility and the duty, to the countryside outside the mountain roads clean.

Par omegaconstellation le mercredi 15 juin 2011


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