Depart, depart, gather together, to meet again, four years, repeated rebirth, times times, times times, but this enough trails you walk a far, far beyond reach. Maybe only appeared in a dream, the dream of the a fine rain, trickling rain, smell, the drizzle in a big red t-shirts in the form of gradually disappearing into the distance.
You go the rainy season, the ice ice cold, cold clearly awake up.
Once is so love TingYu, because have you give my interpretation of happiness, and now hear the rain is full of sad. Began to don't like the rainy season, because of missing is hidden in the back of the rainy season eyes, hour hover in the bottom of my heart, can eyebrows, but in my heart.
One umbrella, and with an umbrella, survived a cold rustling, also hide but the rainy season. This June rain ah, so exceedingly sentimental, don't calm, relaxed, not temperature is not fire, performing, gently shallow, fine fine thick, quiet quiet silently, soft drops, drops the continuous, still drops to one's heart.
"At ease, limitless light like a dream fly wire rain fine as sorrow". Is really "cut continuously, came a", with the light blue, across the old familiar streets, and the rain, and walks into the wind through, a more whimsical ah. Dear, all is well in France? At this time, and you do? It will often think of me? Once the promise had taken, you remember? "Life SiQi broadly, and son achieve. Taking your hand, and son xielao", I wait for you, patiently waiting for you to come back to marry me.
Suddenly found that waiting is also a kind of happiness, because be love, so looking forward to it.
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