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Find the psychological balance

Read this is liu yuxi about "the creation of origin of into the inscription anecdotes, let a person not only to extrapolate, feeling quite a lot. Text "humble room" Ming history, the ideological content, and the art and its far-reaching influence on later generations, from don't need to elaborate any further. Here, I want to say is about "humble room" and "anger" topic. "Humble room" liu yuxi face injustice, is very angry "treatment"-that transformed into contact with his life, the creation of the passion and handed down the power. Liu yuxi, it seems, is not only a great scholar, was a good at control self bad people. Anger?

By liu yuxi banishing, if there is no injustice "housing treatment" problem; Or a hot, forget about the brain, in all his state in anger, not leave this place to hold the sharp weapon-want to let people carefully fear after the above assumptions: so in the cottage was established, m. "won't exist! Later generations liu yuxi should thank!!!!! It was because he "humble room" and "in anger" found the balance between fulcrum. The burning anger to only 81 words into though, but content brief enthusiasm meaningful thrilling historic works. History is always have an amazing similarities. "Nanyang ZhuGeLu, west sichuan, chengdu YunTing son du fu thatched cottage", it is a cottage. The host of "face" humble room "dissatisfied", the feeling of anger was also seen in history.

Rare is the master, in "dissatisfied" anger, but after easy, pay attention to ourselves, not buckish, for something to do and end kn, this more later generations admiration and praised.

"Humble room facing the injustice", a "anger" backfire because too, for example. The QingShiGao "in, the deepest impression is one of WuSanGui characters. In 1644, WuSanGui stationed shanhaiguan, have faced injustice, he "to the coronal one nu for beauty" surrender the qing dynasty; Later in the emperor kangxi, and anger when Francisco cut and rebel qing dynasty. WuSanGui undoubtedly changed history to the history, but he in the role, although later generations mixed, but he lost the moral integrity, but this nation in the history of the ChiRuZhu nail forever.

Also, earlier popular television series "the humble abode", the heroine GuoHaiZao and SongSiMing extramarital relationships affection, the disputes and criticism quite a lot. Just enter the society of pure female college students will spearhead seaweed "mistresses" the tragedy story, the GuoHaiZao because do not have the right to treat social and "humble room injustice", "anger" (in a beautiful mistake) is to go after the deformity of happiness, the result can only is the bitter pill to swallow.

Par omegaconstellation le mardi 14 juin 2011


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